New business rules in GTA Online

Rockstar unexpectedly rolled out a major update to GTA Online - multiplayer part of Grand Theft Auto V, which will soon turn 10 years old. Traditionally the developers touched everything - transport, ways of earning virtual money, the story and the whole San Andreas state. The trailer promises a lot of action for the fans, and to those, who are not enough trailer, we will tell more about the patch.
They decided to call the update The Criminal Enterprises. As you can easily guess, it affects all areas of business. There are Source Cargo missions, launched from the office, along with the daily export of goods, and a manager named Lupe will help in this business. Have undergone changes and bike clubs, which added a bunch of options and contracts Clubhouse for criminals in leather jackets. Who managed to get a nightclub, will unlock additional opportunities by talking to Tony Prince, and the necessary goods will always fit Johan. Arms dealers, for their part, are not without fresh missions and contacts, either.

But that, of course, is not all. Lovers of adventure got a chain of quests with work for the secret service, investigating a criminal conspiracy. And players who love the smell of napalm in the morning, great simplification of life - now you can buy the maximum amount of ammunition for all the guns in one click. Also The Criminal Enterprises has a new economy balance, vehicles and equipment, room improvement options, and more. The update is out and available on all platforms.

27 July 2022