Can we do it in Russian? Fans translate Final Fantasy XIV

The problem with most foreign MMORPGs is the lack of localization. So gamers have to either refresh their memory in English, or dig into hieroglyphs if the game is Asian. But not all fans of the genre are ready to put up with this state of affairs. Final Fantasy XIV fans decided to translate one of the most popular role-playing projects in the world, and at first they wanted to confine themselves to the interface only, but then they reconsidered their plans.

What stage is the translation of Final Fantasy XIV at now?

To localize the game into six different languages, a separate project on the Weblate platform has been created. Anyone can register and take part in the work, offering criticism of already translated text fragments or translating something on their own. In addition to the already localized interface amateurs are taking on the adaptation of individual chapters of the story, including the quests A Realm Reborn. Today there are 760,514 lines of text in Russian, and the readiness of the project is 17.5%.

The result of the efforts of many fans is freely available right now - there is no need to wait for the release. The translation of version 0.4.1 is available for download on GitHub. In addition to the main points of the game here russified missions, names, names of things and descriptions of achievements for the seasonal event "Maiden's Rhapsody". It is worth bearing in mind that the patch is available in two versions - with full translation and in the RUEN version, where the names of key items, locations and actions remain in English.

03 May 2022