In search of gold, God, and glory. Expedition Agartha in early access

What games exist in the world, especially multiplayer. The developers of Expedition Agartha decided to make an action game in the manner of Escape from Tarkov, only in the Middle Ages and dark fantasy, so the knights fight against zombies. It is noteworthy that this is the second project of the Russian studio Matrioshka Games - after the pixel action Fallen Angel.

Why is Expedition Agartha interesting?

The principles of the game are clear to any fan of the genre. You land on a map, where enemies roam under the control of artificial intelligence and characters of live players. You have to explore the area, fight someone, collect loot and leave the location through an exit point. The difference from the shooter with shotguns and machine guns is that here everyone uses edged weapons, and only crossbows strike in the distance. According to the rules, the one who dies loses all his equipment, including trophies. There is a choice of two classes: mercenaries risk a lot, but get a high reward, and the flibusters have lower stakes and smaller prizes.

The game is designed, of course, easier than EFT, with which it is compared. Immediately it is obvious that the project is budget and made by a small studio. But the idea behind it is still worthy of attention. If you're interested, Expedition Agartha is already available on Steam. What's more, it's 20% off from the day of release - the action will last until August 25.

19 August 2022