Steam release and other plans of Caliber authors

Russian multiplayer shooter "Caliber" will soon become available on the digital platform of Valve - release on Steam is scheduled for April 12. The developers also announced in advance the development plans for the project in 2023. Among the important points were seasonal events and modes, new maps and weapons modules, collections, and story missions. All this users will be able to get for free, as the game will continue to retain its conditionally free status.

Details on Caliber development in 2023

The release of planned content employees 1C Game Studios divided into quarters. In the second will appear seasonal mode, will open combat pass with the ability to collect a collection of BOPE, and also it is scheduled event for Victory Day - on May 9. The third quarter will bring support for gamepads, the opening of the user lobby, a new theater of operations, as well as fighting in an unusual format PvPvE - when the skirmish squads intervene enemies controlled by artificial intelligence. Get the gamers and the map with story missions, where they will be able to apply the open legendary images. Especially for those who like to watch the course of the match from the side, will be an active option observer.

Completes the road map fourth quarter. It's waiting for the public seasonal events, detailed statistics on each player, story quests and as yet unannounced clan mechanics. In addition will open a collection, details of which are also unknown. Recall that "Caliber" is a shooter dedicated to special units from different countries. It has four classes and dozens of characters with unique abilities.

09 April 2023