China also loves games: the authors of King's Bounty II are now under the wing of Tencent

on February 25, Tencent announced the acquisition of a controlling stake in 1C Entertainment from Russian investors. This is not the first purchase of this kind for the Chinese giant: its assets already include Inflexion Games, Digital Extremes (creators of Warframe), Riot Games (League of Legends), Funcom (Conan Exiles) and other well-known developers. Now the turn has come to the creators of domestic games.

1C Entertainment and its future

To be clear, only the 1C game division, headquartered in Warsaw, is changing ownership, while the rest of the company remains Russian. After the deal is completed, 1C Entertainment will be renamed and rebranded. These details will be published later. The head of the studio, Tomasz Neszporski said that now his team will be able to implement the most daring projects. Today it is known for King's Bounty II and the online shooter Caliber. But its track record includes many other hits

The development studio began its way back in 1996, releasing the game "King's Bounty. Legend of the Knight," "Space Rangers," "IL-2 Sturmovik" and "Truckers. All these works have earned the love of the public far beyond Russia. And although the brand's long history is coming to an end, the staff still has the same employees, ready to tackle new creative challenges.

26 February 2022