Klondike cards game

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Klondike Solitaire card games online

One type of solitaire is Klondike. There is nothing complicated about it, and, in principle, it can be called the usual "kosnicki", except that you should take into account that there is a constant pressure on time and need to keep within the allotted few minutes, which is very, very difficult. In front of you have to just fly cards that you get the desired result.

A little about the rules and varieties of Solitaire Klondike

The general principle of solitaire is this. All cards must be placed on four stacks in ascending order. In this case, you can not stick to a single-handed selection. But also at random to throw any card, as long as it has the appropriate rank, too, in any case can not. You should alternate colors of suits - if you've already put a black suit card, the next card should be a red suit. At the black two, you put a red three, then a black five, a red six, and so on to the end.

In this section you will find an interesting selection of solitaire games of this type:

The game is quite fascinating, good for relieving stress or if you need to pass the time while waiting for something. Solitaire lovers even begin the day with a good deal, focusing on its result, and attributing further luck during the day the good deal. But you still do not take the results so seriously. Maximum they need - to look at the table of records, and make sure that better than you have not been. Or have a reason to strive to be better.

Features of Solitaire

Like every kind of solitaire, Klondike has some features in common, despite the huge number of games in this series. If you've never collected a solitaire game before, start by reading the rules. Then you can immediately proceed to the dealing. Good luck, let all your puzzles sure to converge!

Solitaire Card" Klondike "- a great brain workout

It has long been known for all to know that the human brain to constantly train to maintain at a high level of all its indicators. Thanks to the development of digital technology, it became possible during the game, such as developmental arcade games.

Neurophysiologists worldwide believe that players who regularly play solitaire card games can better distribute and switch their attention, focus and concentrate on more important things. In addition to this, other changes occur:

  • Memory is exercised;
  • overall health is improved;
  • Improve your concentration.

On our site you can find a collection of games of Solitaire Card Solitaire "Klondike". Each game includes a brief description of the essence and how to operate. Handle these games can even be a beginner, thanks to the tips in the game. Take a break from a hard day, play solitaire.