Top 5 games with money withdrawal

Many users spend years to complete the passage of their favorite video game. Moreover, many are so obsessed with their favorite game project that they are willing to spend their own savings to purchase game bonuses to buy cars, weapons, opening maps and more. And why not stop investing money in games and start earning it? Yes, such video games do exist, and are in high demand. They can bring quite real money. These are multiplayer online projects that provide a successful and persistent player with a solid income. If you take part in an affiliate program, and you can get bonuses for referrals. The money is easily withdrawn through the payment system and successfully stored on a personal e-wallet. In our selection - five top games that have already given their users the opportunity to become richer.

Golden mines

Here you don't even have to wonder what the game is about - its title answers the question of what scenario awaits the user. The main characters are wonderful dwarves who do nothing but mine for ore. The five dwarves have different characteristics. There is no earnings until the gnomes start working - for that, they have to be hired. The cost to be paid for hiring them varies from 1 to 1000 rubles. The most expensive gnome has the highest category of labor, which means his extraction of ore will be the greatest. Processing of minerals brings income - gold coins, and they can already be exchanged for real money, withdrawing funds to your own purse. In hiring and the number of working dwarves the user is not limited, on the contrary, he must do everything to increase the number of gnomes working for him - it will qualitatively affect the numbers in your purse.

Rich Birds

An economic game where you can withdraw money. Everyone knows about it, and this is not an exaggeration. Buying birds, collecting the eggs and selling them to get silver coins is what fans of the legendary game do. After the received silver coins can be exchanged for real money, it is easy to do so with the help of payment systems, and - in an instant! Bird eggs can be accumulated in automatic mode. No losses when collecting, no time limits - you can collect the eggs at any time convenient to the user. No time constraints, you can play and earn when you want! What could be more perfect! You only need to register in the game system, fund your account for the start-up capital in any way that suits the user, and then - start buying birds.
Birds even in passive mode will accumulate eggs, and then you just need to move them to the warehouse. Space in the warehouse is not limited - you can take down as many eggs as you want. If you do not want to continue the game, you can end your activity on the farm, and withdraw all available funds on the card. Another option is to reinvest funds and increase profits. The game has enough advantages to choose it as a means of passive income. First of all, it is transparent statistics and withdrawal system, a very stable fund with a reserve in case of unforeseen circumstances. There is always technical support from the developers, which is very convenient in case of any disputable situations related to the withdrawal of funds.

Chikens Farm

Another project that will help you earn with pleasure. You can make money on virtual chickens right from the comfort of your home. The game offers a simple registration, get the first beginner's bonuses, and immediately begin to multiply funds. For the eggs received from the farmer chickens to take to the warehouse, and get the money for it, which later can be simply and easily withdrawn through any appropriate.


A large-scale strategy game in which you can also earn money and withdraw it via electronic payment systems. The essence of the game is to manage not even a small business, but an entire galaxy. It is allowed to buy stars, and then multiply your capital from everything that concerns the production there. This is a great opportunity to get a passive income. The game has a minimum investment plan - you must have at least one star worth 10 rubles, which will bring 17 kopecks a day just for its existence. The most expensive star, which brings an income of 530 rubles a day, is - Star 8, worth from 15 thousand rubles. If you do not want to invest their own money, you can take advantage of the bonus planets, or to participate in an affiliate program. The presence of such features distinguishes the project against other similar games, because there are as many as five levels of involvement. Only one invited referral can bring 30% of passive income from his total balance, depending on his level.

Jubgle Game

Another product that is designed to bring income to the user. Economic Farm, which the player is invited to play, allows you to withdraw funds into real money through payment systems. It is noteworthy that in this game there is no need for start-up investments. The gamer is invited to engage in the development and maintenance of their own zoo, which, accordingly, will bring him money. But before the user will start to multiply their capital, will have to try. However, as in life: first you have to do, and then - to rest and count the money. First of all, you need to increase the number of animals that will be kept in the zoo, and this means that you will have to spend a lot of money, because among them will be expensive and exotic species, presented in six variations. The most inexpensive will be a parrot - its price will be 10 rubles, and will add 5.5 rubles a month, a little more expensive is a monkey, 75 rubles, but the profit will be up to 45 rubles a month. The bigger and more exotic animal - the higher its price. Among the inhabitants of the zoo will be rhinoceroses, and giraffes, and a tiger, and even a lion. Last, it should be noted, the most expensive animal, its price 5 thousand rubles, with a monthly yield up to 11 500 rubles. Monthly passive income - a very attractive offer, and the bonus features and does not leave the user with a choice - the player is sure to want at least once to try to play this kind of monopoly. Earnings from surfing, all sorts of raffles, working affiliate and "auto-referral" system - all that cannot help but draw you into the gameplay, and it is especially nice that they also pay for it.

05 July 2021