Mortal Kombat 1 passing secrets, tricks to defeat the enemy

Mortal Kombat 11, a fighting game with a fairly high budget, the game features high quality graphics and design. The content of the game is amazing and pleases a lot, an excellent combat system will make the game unforgettable and deliver a lot of interesting, adrenaline-filled hours. The storyline is quite exciting and intriguing, runs through a theme that tells about the time paradoxes. After the events that led to the preponderance of the forces of "light", Kronika, goddess of time, resisted this, and decided to create the universe anew, remaking it, removing Reiden.

During the course of the game's storyline, you will learn the true reasons for Cronica's behavior, and the reasons for her aggression. During the restart, Kronika will create a time portal through which she transports several heroes from the past to the present. The storyline captivates with its unpredictability and variety of characters, whose diverse characters are drawn quite clearly. It is interesting to watch the communication between the characters, the well-constructed and well-chosen dialogues, and the interaction between them.
The thrilling plot carries a fantasy element, and allows the same character to touch and interact, in their younger years and in their older years. Some of the main characters will simply be destroyed, killed off, and some will disappear without a trace in the course of the game. There are twelve chapters in the game, all filled with great combat battles. With the help of this guide, and beginners, and professionals in the gameplay, will find interesting tips for themselves, on the use of secret techniques, in order to quickly and effectively defeat the enemy.


A new move has been added to the game, which is performed at the end of the contest. Previously players performed Fatality, but now it is called Mercy. With its help, you can return your opponent a part of his health, and therefore it will be possible to conduct further combat. When introducing this trick, you need to be at a certain distance from your opponent, waiting for the phrase "Finish Him", you must press and lock the left trigger key, then the "Down" key, only after that release the trigger. After a successful manipulation, a warm golden color light will spill onto the arena, this will add some health to the opponent. When performing this operation, the gamer gets a small amount of points, compared to other operations.

Reptile in the Crypt

In the Goro's Lair in the Crypt you need to find two Skeleton Keys in the chests. The first key can be used getting into the dining hall Goro, go to the Hall of Misery, pass the two types of traps using blades. Find the locked box and open it with the second key, use the saved bandage of Kenshi Takashi. After that you will find the wall, which serves as the entrance to the cave. Hidden in the cave is a statue of an unknown unseen animal, touching it will release a warrior named Reptile from the cache, he will quickly leave. From now on, you will meet him in different places in the Crypt, you need to apply the Blindfold to locate him. Find Reptile and kill him with the battle hammer. For this you will be rewarded with a great reward.

Unlocking Frost

You don't need to buy Frost Fighter to play as this character. To do so, it is simply necessary to overcome the Story Mode and reach the fourth chapter. After completing this stage, the player will acquire Frost, and can play as him, successfully overcoming obstacles and defeating enemies.

Quitality Finisher

This is one of the secret plan finishers, it can be used by players who do not want to play in a match played online.

AI Fighter

To overcome the Towers of Time, you can use the AI Fighter mode. In this mode, you can transfer the hero, for which you play, using a button, specially designed for this purpose. This mode allows you to rest a bit, all the difficulties in the passage of the towers, will take on the AI Fighter. After completing the game with the fighter you will receive a reward.

Warriors of the Bloody Pit

The sight of the Blood Pit is truly terrifying, a rather frightening place of death. Right out of the sky, victims fall into the pit on sharp spikes. The fighters in the pit are dressed in subdued, not bright colors

Farming purple stones

In the Courtyard in the Crypt, the player will find huge purple stones, which are spit out by a volcano that is nearby. They fall, chaotically, to the central courtyard area. The interval of fall is 4-5 minutes. They must be destroyed using the battle hammer and receive rewards and prizes for this action.

Separate parts of the One Entity

The One Essence, like any living person, is composed of three separate parts that make up a single whole - Heart, Soul and Spirit. In Goro's Lair, you will need these three keys to open the door in the lower registers of the Crypt. To obtain all three keys at once, you must overcome the Finishers' Trials. The Towers game will control how many techniques are used against your opponent. Once you get the keys, you can open the door.

Character Heads

The character heads are located on spikes at the entrance to the Temple of the Warrior, which is located in the Crypt Courtyard. This puzzle, similar in difficulty to the One Essence puzzle. In order to solve it, you have to go through the battles in the towers behind the Crypt's line. The game, just as in the last task, keeps track of the number of times the moves are performed. After completing the mission, the gamer is rewarded with the head of the character he fought for. He puts it on a spike and it opens a chest under the spike and by the palace.

Several mechanics options that will increase the level of the character

  • Blocking, is a trick to protect your character. By blocking, the opponent's attacks and strikes do less damage to the character. These are block damage, complex blocks, and pure blocks.
  • Throwing, is great for defending against enemies who are defending themselves with blocks.
  • Varieties of interaction with objects, complex interaction, is done by pressing buttons. Any contact with objects that you want to get, for combat, take away the strength of the defense indicator.
  • Special, individual moves that each character has. Some moves knock your opponent down and stun him, while another type of move can flip your opponent upwards.

  • A smashing strike, can only be performed once in the most special case.
  • Jump attack, this is the optimum means to start an offensive attack on an opponent. Conducted quickly and sharply, it looks like a jump forward, provided that the opponent is on the ground.
  • Canceling a special move, this maneuver can be performed during an attack, ending it quickly and starting a special move.
  • Retake attack, a move performed immediately before blocking the attack.
  • Waking up attack, performed if the opponent hit the player hard and he is in immediate danger. The awakening attack will return the character to an upright position, it will require spending half of the defense indicator.

03 October 2021