Oldies games, from the Golden Age of the game industry's beginnings

The golden age of game creation is irrevocably over. From time to time we remember with great wistfulness the games with which it all began. The old games of the late eighties and early nineties irresistibly attract and beckon us to the wonderful and interesting past. Computers were underpowered, and could barely pull the video games of yesteryear. But memories are dear to us, and so memory often takes us back to the wonderful, fascinating times when gamers were at the very origins, enjoying the action.

In today's game industry everything has changed, and certainly for the better. Projects are equipped with a powerful dynamics of events, unusual mechanics, graphics capable of overshadowing its beauty stars in the sky. But the nostalgia for the naive charm of games of yesteryear, does not let go and calls to get old masterpieces, blow off the dust of time from them and enjoy the action on the screen. More and more we become convinced that developers often create remakes of old games, ennobling them, adding dynamics, recreating the original idea over and over again. We have collected a few games of yesteryear, which can captivate for a long time, and break away from them almost impossible, these games - time eaters!


The game was created back in 1995 in the DOS genre. Its singularity lies in the fact that in front of the player unfolds an interactive story, the elements of 3D format are harmoniously superimposed on top of a 2D background. Cameras show the player what is happening around him, and 3D background gives the opportunity to come into contact with water, fog, to interact with the lights of the road and the city. Enemies are also great in 3D, but it takes some getting used to. The hero can run, walk, just move, touch and pick up a variety of objects and things, that's one movement mode. The next mode is the hero's combat practice, sharp movements of the legs and arms, somersaults, overturning the enemy. The modes involve interaction with weapons. The hero will be able to shoot with the firearms available to him, in this mode.
The game's animation is as close to reality as possible. The plot is fascinating and unusual. The protagonist comes to his senses in a cell at an unfamiliar military base, not understanding what happened and how he got here. The protagonist understands that he was turned into a cyborg, and he is plagued by questions: who needs it? Why? Freed from his imprisonment, the protagonist escapes from the mysterious base, now obsessed with a desire for revenge against those who made him a cyborg. He tries to unravel the mystery of the past and find out the reasons and circumstances that contributed to this transformation.
The hero has superpowers he can control and fire built-in extraterrestrial weapons with his thoughts, heal himself and others with his touches and thoughts. The hero has the ability to analyze and think through situations, choosing tactics and weapons. The protagonist's analytical abilities are at a high level, which he will use throughout the gameplay.


The game was developed in 1994 by Parallax Software, a well-known company in the gaming world. The action game provides full immersion in a realistic and believable 3D design. The main character controls the most powerful fighter jet, which is equipped with the most powerful weapons and a variety of missiles. The fighter plane has unusual abilities, it can hover in the air and abruptly change the direction of flight, moving forward, backward and sideways.

The game's plot tells us about the planets of Solar System, on the territory of which the richest company keeps the mines and mines, which are producing minerals. The mines are served by a very peculiar staff - robots. At one point communication with the mines and mines on the planets is interrupted, the company discovers that the robots have caught a virtual virus and all are infected. Eventually, the robots lose control and begin to take over, destroying all life in their path. The company-owner of the mines sends an exterminator under the control of the protagonist to exterminate the rebellious and infected robots and provide all possible assistance to the people who also work in the mines. The dungeons and mines look unfriendly and scary, with robots attacking all the time and trying to destroy the fighter and its pilot. The whole gameplay is accompanied by appropriate music, which emphasizes the heavy atmosphere of the project.

Penumbra: Overture

The game is created in the sci-fi genre, with a storyline that very subtly intertwines elements of unusual game physics and imperceptible nudges and hints, thanks to which the hero finds himself on the edge. The weaponry in the game is miserable, at times the protagonist simply has no weapon, which makes the protagonist really helpless and encourages him to take decisive actions and make decisions. The environment and atmosphere that surrounds the player is quite creepy and uncomfortable. The entire game mode takes place in gloomy semi-darkness. If you turn on the light, it becomes easy to move forward, but you maximally attract the attention of the enemies that pursue you. Still, the hero is forced to turn on the light once in a while to advance. The physics of the game is on a high level, the player can open doors, boxes and crates, touch small objects, throw, toss and even mix chemicals and fix machines. Playing this interesting game, try to keep yourself in control and not flinch from surprise and not scream in fear. Believe me, it's not as easy to perform as you think...

Max Payne Parts 1 and 2

The games were created and saw the light of day in 2001 and 2003, but still amaze and attract gamers with their extraordinary beauty and originality.
The game's shoot-em-up genre suggests a bleak, filled with sadness and sorrowful atmosphere. The storyline tells us the story of a policeman, who lost literally everything in his life, his family. And all due to the fault of drug-addicted gangsters. From that moment on, the heart of policeman Max becomes filled with vengeance and yearns for justice. During the hunt for the criminals who destroyed his family, Max becomes just a killer robot, exterminating all criminals without the slightest regret.

The game is divided into chapters, training levels and acts. Each part brings a new branch of plot development. In front of the player from time to time pops up whether memories or dreams of the protagonist, of the past time. Policeman throughout the gameplay is a monologue with himself, than puts the player aware of his own thoughts and upcoming actions. The game design is set in a cold, drama-filled environment. Crowds of bandits hunt for the protagonist, which only pleases him. The second part is very similar to the first, only with more gloom and depressing environments added. As for new things, in the second part the player gets an opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of Max Payne. The game is addictive, and getting out of its grim embrace is not as easy as it seems.

28 February 2022